Thursday, July 31, 2008

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Biondos said...

Great work guys! You are heroes.

Finish strong!


Steve and Chris Biondo

David and Pam Christian said...

Ben...I've been following this trip from before the start and though I have reason to have a "favorite" I must tell you, you're my first second! Sorry to everyone else... But Ben, you have been, as you stated in the BLOG, the backbone for this entire trek! YOU ROCK! I don't know who is riding back with you in the van - but whoever it is is my second, second!

Take some photos of you driving back - your stops and your resolute determination to "finish the trip strong" without the bikers who have "clearly slowed you down" and be sure to get those photos up on the blog too!

I celebrate you Ben!

And ALL you young men are incredibly fantastic and will always be my first favorites!