Thursday, July 17, 2008

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Unknown said...

Hi Boys,
This is C.J.'s nana. I am so proud of you. I bet no one before you nor anyone after you will ever have an experience equal to this one for you guys. Stay safe and my prayers are always with you.
Love, Nana

DS said...

How do I contact Oprah? That's like trying to sit next to the pope in his pope-mobile, isn't it? (haha) Well you guys are sure pushing the limits of what's humanly possible, so I'll contact the media mogul (somehow).

Also, while you guys have the day off in the Windy City, GO SEE THE DARK KNIGHT! It's the best movie you'll see all year and you deserve it; especially since most of the film was shot in Chicago in the first place.

Miss you boys, hope you solidify an arrival schedule for NYC. Keep on keepin' on!

Love always,